On March 26 -27 the Madison 4-H Stockman's and Livestock Judging Team participated in the Virginia Tech Block and Bridle judging weekend. Team members included: DJ Dyer, Emily Dyer, Lauren Finks, Simeon Koranek, Elizabeth Koranek, Kelly Jarvis, Emily Yowell, Alex Yowell, Aubrey Farmer, Courtney Pooton, Allie Yowell & Carrie Birkett.
One the first day team members had to identify livestock feeds, breeds, equipment and cuts of meats; take a quiz; and judge a class of hogs, sheep, cattle, hay and meat. One the second day they had to judge hogs, cattle, sheep and goats.
Senior Livestock Judging
Cattle:4th (Emily Dyer 10th)
Sheep: 6th (Emily Dyer 14th)
Swine: 1st (Lauren Finks 6th, Emily Dyer 9th, Allie Yowell 12th)
Overall: 1st out of 56 teams (Emily Dyer 2nd, Allie Yowell 12th, Lauren Finks 17th out of 173 contestants)
Junior Livestock Judging Team
Cattle: 1st (Emily Yowell 9th, Courtney Pooton 20th)
Swine: 15th (Alex Yowell 11th)
Overall: 11th & 19th out of 56 teams
Junior Stockman's Team:
Quiz: 10th (Kelly Jarvis 2nd individual)
ID's: 4th (Courtney Pooton 7th individual, Kelly Jarvis 12th individual)
Judging: 17th
Overall: 6th out of 76 teams (Kelly Jarvis 8th and Courtney Pooton 14th out of 226 contestants)
Senior Stockman's Team
ID's: 17th (Emily Dyer 11th)
Judging: 7th (Emily Dyer 14th)
Overall: 11th out of 91 teams (Emily Dyer 9th out of 290 contestants)
What a great weekend! Way to go team!!