Monday, February 22, 2010

CAMP Registration is NOW OPEN!

Are you excited? We are! "4-H Remembers When in 2010" is this year's theme. Prepare to rock out in the 80s, learn about the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, and sock hop to 50s music. Junior camp will be held June 13-17 in Front Royal. Registrations and $50 deposit are due April 1st, but don't delay because camp usually fills to capacity. Total camp cost is $205 this year; scholarships are available for those with financial need. Brochures are available online, at the schools or at the Extension office. Call the Extension Office (948-6881) to request a brochure be mailed to you.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

4-H Share-the-Fun Talent Show - CHANGE OF DATE!

The 4-H Share-the-Fun Talent Contest will be held as follows
  • March 25, 6:45 PM, Wetsel Middle School. (Intermediate/Senior Contest - youth 12 - 18)
  • March 31, 3:45 PM, Waverly Yowell Elementary School (Junior Contest - youth 9 - 11)

You must register you act by March 12. Visit http://madison4h/ or call the Extension office 948-6881 for more information.

Comedy Basketball Game in Orange to support Therapeutic 4-H Camp

4-H TACO (Therapeutic Adventure Camp of Orange) will host The Rockets basketball comedy show Friday, February 19th at the Orange Field House. CAll the Orange Extension Office for more information.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Give us Your Feedback!

Please go the following link and provide your feedback on the 2009 Achievement Night.


The annual 4-H Share the Fun contest will be held Wednesday, March 3rd (Juniors) and March 9th(Intermediates and Seniors). Registration forms can be found on the website.

4-H Presentation Contest

The 4-H Presentation Contest will be held Friday, March 5th, 3:45 p.m. at the Extension Office. All members are encouraged to participate. Registration form can be found on the website.

Tree Planting Party at Hoover Ridge

Is your group looking for a great service Project? Join us on Saturday, March 27, 2 – 4 pm at Hoover Ridge playing fields. We have 1600 tree seedlings to plant. Your club/group can field a team of planters or individual families can participate. Extension, 4-H and the Department of Forestry are joining together to plant trees at Hoover Ridge. All the youth serving organizations have been invited to participate. Call the Extension Office to register or for more information.

Forestry Camp offered for Youth

The Virginia Department of Forestry and its partners are once again offering Forestry Camp at Holiday Lake 4-H Center, June 14-19, 2010. This active, all hands-on camp for youth ages 13-16 (boys and girls) features a Lumberjack Field Day, a trip to a local papermill, classes in ecology and fire fighting, and much more! Of course, there are also traditional camp activities such as high and low ropes courses, recreation, swimming, and time to make friends from across Virginia. Cost is very low due to much financial support from sponsors. Participants must be nominated, so call the Extension Office if you want to go. Nominations are accepted now through the beginning of April.

4-H Japanese Exchange Host Families Needed!

Konnichiwa! (That's hello in Japansese.) The Virginia 4-H Japanese Exchange program is currently recruiting families to host Japanese youth this summer. Families with children between ages 11 and 18 are encouraged to consider this worthwhile endeavor. Delegates will be here July 22-August 18 and do not expect any "special" arrangements--simply incorporate them into your daily lives! Please contact the Extension Office for more info about hosting this summer. Thanks!